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Previous concerts
Sunday, November 15th 2020 · 12:00 h
Concert | Mestizajes sonoros
The musics of Trujillo Codex in 18th-century Peru
Vandelvira Early Music Festival - 24th Early Music Festival of Úbeda and Baeza (FeMAUB)
Faustino Serrano Hall
Monday, December 7th 2020 · 12:30 h
Concert | Sacred music for a dynastic succession (premiere) *
Sebastián Durón (1660-1716)
Taedet a 10, with violins and flutes
Pelli meae a 8, with violins
Misa de difuntos, for three choirs with violins and flutes
Misa a la moda francesa, for four choirs with violins and trumpet
Íliber Ensemble & Tomás Luis de Victoria Choir (Pablo García Miranda, choirmaster)
Laura Martínez Boj | soprano
Brenda Sara | soprano
Samuel Tapia | alto
Sergio Aunión | tenor
Darío Tamayo | conductor
24th Early Music Festival of Úbeda and Baeza (FeMAUB)
Baeza Cathedral
* In commemoration of the 360th anniversary of Sebastián Durón's death. Production sponsored by the Early Music Festival of Úbeda & Baeza (FeMAUB). Historical recovery of all the works; critical edition and transcription by Raúl Angulo - Asociación Ars Hispana. Modern times premiere in Spain.
Tuesday, December 8th 2020
Recording for the documentary España, la primera globalización
Íliber Ensemble & Todos los Tonos y Ayres
Iglesia de San Dionisio - Abadía del Sacromonte
Tuesday, December 8th 2020 · 20:00 h
Streaming | Sacred music for a dynastic succession *
Sebastián Durón (1660-1716)
Taedet a 10, with violins and flutes
Pelli meae a 8, with violins
Misa de difuntos, for three choirs with violins and flutes
Misa a la moda francesa, for four choirs with violins and trumpet
Íliber Ensemble & Tomás Luis de Victoria Choir (Pablo García Miranda, choirmaster)
Laura Martínez Boj | soprano
Brenda Sara | soprano
Samuel Tapia | alto
Sergio Aunión | tenor
Darío Tamayo | conductor
24th Early Music Festival of Úbeda and Baeza (FeMAUB)
Baeza Cathedral - FeMAUB YouTube channel
* In commemoration of the 360th anniversary of Sebastián Durón's death. Production sponsored by the Early Music Festival of Úbeda & Baeza (FeMAUB). Historical recovery of all the works; critical edition and transcription by Raúl Angulo - Asociación Ars Hispana. Modern times premiere in Spain.